5 Proactive Healthcare Tips

12.03.21 12:17 PM By Motion Connected

We asked a Nurse Practitioner to help us create a list of achievable healthy habits that consider the whole health picture: mind and body. For any individual seeking a healthier, happier lifestyle, here are 5 proactive healthcare tips to point you in the right direction.

1. Go for More Walks.

If you are not in the habit of frequent walks, start small! Tomorrow, get up and walk for 15 minutes. Gradually increase the number of days you walk and the length of your walks. To create some motivation in your walking endeavors, track your steps using a smart device such as a Fitbit or Apple watch, or even your smart phone. 

An accountability partner is also a great way to stay motivated. Ask an office mate to commit to walking with you during the day, or a family member or pet to walk early in the morning or after work hours. 

2. Eat Your Fruits & Vegetables.

A diet including fruits and vegetables is so important for vitamin intake. being heart healthy and maintaining an ideal weight. It is recommended to include about 5 servings of fruit and vegetables into your diet each day. Think of one serving as about the size of your closed fist. You can increase your fruit and vegetable intake by making delicious smoothies, trying some new healthy recipes, or committing to fruit and vegetables as your snacks throughout the day and sides during meals.                        

3. Drink More Water.

There are countless health benefits to proper water intake. These include, but are not limited to, increased energy, brain function, gut health, and weight control. What is proper water intake? The current standard is 8 glasses a day, but everyone is different! Listen to your body, and drink more if you feel you need it. It takes approximately 14 days of proper hydration to feel the benefits, so keep it up!

4. Be Mindful of Your Mental Health.

If you find yourself struggling in any facet of life, do not hesitate to find help. Counselors, crisis hotlines, and telehealth options are always available if you need assistance. 

Telehealth services rapidly increased in popularity in 2020, and conveniently include counseling and mental health services. Telehealth platforms operate like video call platforms many of us are comfortable using today. This service is user-friendly, often less costly than a regular visit to the doctor's office, and allows you or your dependents, such as your children, to see a professional from the comfort of your own home.

Talk to your Human Resources department to learn what Telehealth options are available to you.

5. Schedule Your Annual Physical.

An annual visit with your preferred, in-network physician is covered at 100% through your company-sponsored insurance plan. Aside from this routine, preventative care, meeting with your physician once a year helps establish a relationship and trust for if a more pressing health issue arises.

Hesitant to schedule your annual physical? Many worry if their simple preventative visit will result in a surprise bill in the mail. To reduce this worry, here is a quick read about the difference between preventative services and diagnostic services, and some steps you can take to ensure your intended visit is covered under your plan.

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Motion Connected