Goal Setting: Making it Stick

10.21.21 03:00 PM By Motion Connected

Making goals stick is hard work. Although we often think think the path to reaching our goals looks like a straight line, it actually looks a lot like this:

photo credit: https://davidjpfisher.com/2016/12/05/progress-straight-line/

Here are resources you can use to realize your strengths, find motivation, bring about positivity and create a balance through the squiggly journey of goal setting.

Find your Strengths

Use your strengths to your full potential - when you know your strengths, you can improve your life and thrive.  The VIA Institute on Character is a free, scientific survey of character.  Take this simple in 15 minutes or less to reveal your greatest strengths. 

Understand Motivation

What is Motivation? Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

The Power of Positivity
Researcher Barbara Fredrickson has studied the general effects of positivity and found that there is a point at which our positive moods and mental states can lead us to a place where we are more creative, motivated, and resilient to stress. 

When we reach this tipping point, our perspective is more broad in general: we see opportunities we may have missed, and we believe we can make them work for us. 

We also see more beauty in the world and have more appreciation for it. Our ability to manage stress in general increases, so we are less likely to fall into a downward spiral of reactivity.

How to bring about more positivity:

Take the test to find your positivity ratio:

Find Your Life Balance

The ‘Wheel of Life’ is a useful tool to use when life has gotten out of balance - for example, feeling burned out, or generally feeling unsatisfied and not sure why.  In this tool, you identify the areas, dimensions or aspects of your life and arrange them as areas or spokes around a wheel.

How the ‘Wheel of Life’ can help you find balance:

Complete your Wheel of Life assessment:

Motion Connected