Why Mental Health Matters

10.26.21 02:36 PM By Motion Connected

This content is delivered through our partnership with MHA Sheboygan. 

Some people think that only people with mental illnesses need to pay attention to their mental health. 

But the truth is that your emotions, thoughts, and attitudes affect our energy, productivity and overall health. Good mental health strengthens our ability to cope with every day challenges and more serious crises. Good mental health is essential to creating the life you want. 

Take steps to live a healthy life.  In partnership of Mental Health America, view the video below to learn 10 proven tools to help you live mentally well. 

Health isn’t just about fitness or disease prevention – it’s about living your best life. 

While investing in your physical health is crucial to prevent chronic illness, investing in your mental wellbeing is just as important. Overlooking your mental health could lead to chronic stress, burnout, depression, anxiety, or a mental health emergency. 

Your mental health is one of your greatest assets. It helps you focus at work, overcome obstacles, get along with the people around you—to get well and stay well. 

1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience a mental health condition in a given year. If it is not you, it is a family member, friend, or colleague. 

Take a Mental Health Test

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.  Feeling anxious, excessively sad or low are common and treatable.  Recovery is possible.

Looking for more mental health resources?

View our blog featuring more resources for living mentally well.

Motion Connected