Motion Minute: February 2024

02.01.24 12:11 PM By Motion Connected

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'Snack' Your Way to Fitness

Looking for a simple yet effective way to get healthier and more active? "Exercise snacks" could be your solution!-- And no, we're not talking about post-workout smoothies (although, those can be tasty!). 

The kind of exercise snacks that we’re talking about are part of a recent health trend in which people take short breaks throughout the day for a burst of activity. Following the trend, people exercise for just 1-2 minutes at a time without the need for equipment or an outfit change.

Why might you want to hop on this trend?

Much research has been done on the negative effects of sitting too long. Some have even called sitting “the new smoking” due to its numerous ill effects on health. For many though, sitting for long periods isn’t so much a choice as it is a necessity for their jobs and other obligations. So, the question becomes, how can we break up our sedentary time?

Exercise snacks are one approachable way to infuse beneficial movement back into our days, and recent research points to its benefits. One study in the American Journal of Health Promotion found that doing several short exercises throughout the day was just as good at lowering your risk of heart disease as doing one long workout. 

Examples of Exercise Snacks Include:

        o  Jumping jacks

        o  Climbing stairs

        o  Jogging/running

        o  Squats

        o  Lunges

        o  Dance breaks

        o  Jumping Rope

        o  Calf-raises

        o  Wall or desk push-ups

        o  Anything that gets you up and moving!

Why not give exercise snacks a try? Consider what exercises will fit easily into your daily routine.


Using Apple Health or Google Fit?

This is your reminder to open your Motion Connected app regularly! Data does not sync while your Motion Connected app is closed. Each time you open the app, it automatically pulls the past 30 days of data from Apple Health or Google Fit (when you have the connection enabled on the Settings page). 

For more information, click here for Apple Health or here for Google Fit.


Getting Started

Visit the scorecard page to view your available activities, and don’t forget to link your device to Motion Connected to start earning points for daily activity. Not sure which devices are compatible? View our activity tracking options here.

Please Note: Scorecard programs vary between organizations. Yours may not include points for daily activity.


An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

This popular saying has some basis in truth. Afterall, most adults need at least 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ to 3 cups of vegetables each day for optimal health. If that recommendation seems a little overwhelming, focus on gradual changes.

Start by adding small portions of fruit or vegetables to your typical meals. For example, sprinkle berries on your yogurt or add cooked spinach to your spaghetti sauce. Commit to adding just one fruit or vegetable to your breakfast each morning or experiment with a new recipe each week. Select ones that emphasize the flavors and textures of plant-based ingredients for a tasty and enjoyable experience.

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Monthly Question: What is an "exercise snack"?

If the Motion Minute newsletter is available in your scorecard, be sure to submit your answer in the scorecard to earn points.

Motion Connected