Motion Minute: March 2024

03.01.24 01:14 PM By Motion Connected

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Transform Your Wellness Journey with a Growth Mindset

When striving to better our health and wellness, mindset can truly make all the difference. What’s known as a growth mindset is one way of thinking that can boost your resilience, reduce stress and anxiety associated with setbacks, and increase your overall likelihood of success. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, eat better, or find more balance in life, a growth mindset can help.

So, what exactly is a growth mindset, and how can you harness its power to transform your health and wellness journey? In simple terms, it's the belief that your abilities and qualities can be developed through dedication and learning. People with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities for growth and embrace the process of learning and improving. This resilience allows them to stay motivated and focused on their goals, even when faced with setbacks. This contrasts with a fixed mindset, where individuals believe that their abilities are fixed traits that cannot be changed. 

Read the full article [here].


Don't Miss a Challenge:
​Keep your Email Updated

Invitations to join activity challenges are sent to the email address on file in your Motion Connected account. If you’d like to update your email address, visit the Account page to make changes.


A Simple Way to Earn Points

Save your weight once per month in Motion Connected. Not only does this increase your awareness around maintaining a healthy weight but many programs offer points for your first recorded weight each month. Visit your Scorecard to check if this is an option for your program.

Please Note: Scorecard programs vary between organizations. Yours may not include points for daily activity.


Let's Talk About Pasta

Comparing foods can be fun and provide education and direction! Whole wheat is always a prime option when it comes to eating more nutritiously while still enjoying familiar pasta favorites. Veggie noodles are another great option to include more vegetables in your diet. Aim to provide your body with as many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients when comparing foods. 

Tip: combine a ½ cup of two kinds! If using ½ veggie noodles with whole wheat or white pasta, add the veggie noodles to the pot of boiling water when your pasta will be ready in 5-6 minutes. Drain the water and enjoy with a ½ cup of your favorite sauce and baked chicken or turkey meatballs. Voila!   

Need help? If you have any questions about your account, our support team is here to help. Email: or visit our support pages to submit a ticket.

Monthly Question: What does it mean to have a growth mindset?

If the Motion Minute newsletter is available in your scorecard, be sure to submit your answer in the scorecard (not below) to earn points.

Motion Connected