5 Day Mindfulness Challenge

04.19.22 12:00 PM By Motion Connected

Take a moment each day to practice the mindfulness exercises below. Pay attention to how you feel at the end of the 5 days!​

Day 1

Brush your teeth mindfully. Notice how the bristles feel on your teeth. Experience the sudsy toothpaste in your mouth. What else did you notice or feel?

Day 2

Eat at least one meal mindfully, without the distractions of a device, tablet, or reading material. Focus on each bite – how it smells, looks, tastes and how it may make you feel (you may even be fuller, sooner!).

Day 3

Take a moment for yourself today by disconnecting from your phone. Try this when you first wake up, when you are with friends or family, or before bedtime. Be present in your surroundings and actions.

Day 4

Go for a walk! Take in your surroundings – what do you notice? Consider the sights, smells, sounds, wind, clouds-- anything you observe.

Day 5

Sit and breathe for two minutes. Focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body and pay attention to your belly rising and falling. Sometimes placing a hand on your chest or stomach can help you connect more deeply.

Looking for more mindfulness tips and resources? Read our blog below.

Motion Connected