Hydration 101

12.29.22 03:16 PM By Motion Connected

Water is vital for our bodies to function. Water brings nutrients and oxygen in and out of the cells in our body, and without water, these cells would die. About 60% of our body weight is made up of water. 


Our bodies need water – and they need a certain amount of water every day.  Before we get to the quantity of water needed daily, check out some lesser-known benefits about being hydrated:


  • Increases immunity and makes you less susceptible to common illnesses like cold and flu.  Bonus!  Proper hydration helps you build antibodies to prevent illness. 
  • Feeling sluggish?  Have a glass of water.  Feeling sleepy, lethargic or having trouble concentrating are the body's first indicators that your body needs water. Water fuels our ability to think clearly and quickly - it plays a critical role in how quickly the brain can transmit messages to the rest of the body. Water:
    • Clears brain fog
    • Regulates emotions and mood. If you're feeling stressed, anxious or upset, try drinking a glass of water. 
  • Being hydrated regulates body temperature (sweating is your body’s method to cool down – you own AC unit!). 
  • We need water to keep our digestive system moving. 
  • Water keeps our joints lubricated.  Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80 percent water. Long-term dehydration can reduce the joints’ shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain. 
  • Being properly hydrated maintains blood pressure.  If you’re dehydrated, your blood is more think, causing your heart to work harder and your body to expend more energy just to pump blood throughout your body.  Proper hydration levels are key to heart health.
  • Water is also the ‘Fountain of Youth’ – it boosts skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.    


Check out this short video to see if you are drinking enough water, and how much water our body needs each day.

Here are several tips to stay hydrated throughout the day:

  • Set a daily water goal.  'I will drink 16 ounces of water between each cup of coffee' OR  'I will drink 16 ounces of water before my first cup of tea'. 
  • Feeling thirsty?  That is your body telling you that you are dehydrated.  Set a reminder to sip water throughout the day.   
  • Keep track of your water intake with our water tracker: https://www.mc-discover.com/blogs/post/fountain-of-youth-watering-tracking
  • To access the benefits of hydration (like increased productivity, energy levels and performance) don't chug your water. 
  • It takes two weeks of proper hydration levels to start feeling the benefits.  Consistency is key. 

Motion Connected