21 Day Strength Training Challenge

03.31.22 09:30 AM By Motion Connected

Strength training gives you endless health benefits, from more energy, better metabolism and more. (You can watch our video for more benefits.)

Ready to get started incorporating more strength training into your daily schedule? Challenge yourself to a 21 day workout routine. Simply use this tracking sheet to write down your workouts for the next 21 days. Even a 6-10 minute strength routine can be beneficial. Make sure to break up your muscle groups to avoid injury. So for example, you may do arms one day, legs the next, abs the following, then a total body, etc. Also, remember to consult with your physician before starting any workout program. 

Need videos/ideas to get you started? A great place to get workout routines is the IDEA Fit’s exercise library.  The workouts are written by certified Personal Trainers, are for all levels and abilities, and are printable. 

Motion Connected