Recognizing Men's Health Week

06.02.23 09:18 AM By Motion Connected

At Motion Connected, we’re proud to be recognizing men’s health week (June 12th-18th) and highlighting some of the health concerns that impact men the most. This week could be an excellent time to start prioritizing your wellbeing. Whether it's getting regular check-ups and screenings, staying physically active, or eating a balanced diet, we have some tips to help get you on the right track.

Embracing Physical Wellness: 
Physical health is the foundation of wellbeing. Engaging in regular exercise not only strengthens the body but also boosts mood, reduces stress, and improves overall mental wellbeing. 

•Getting as little as 30 minutes of exercise each day can help you live longer and stay healthier. Biking, taking a brisk walk, or finding a set of stairs to climb are all excellent ways to get in your daily exercise. 

•Aim to do at least two sessions of muscle-strengthening activities each week such as push-ups and squats or working with resistance bands. 

•Learn more about the basics of strength training here.

Nurturing Mental Health:
Too often, men feel like they need to "tough it out" and ignore their emotions, but this can be incredibly damaging to a person. Check-in with yourself and seek help if you need it—talking things through with your primary care provider can be a good starting place.

•Make time to connect with the supportive people in your life. 

•Schedule time to do the things you enjoy, such as practicing your favorite hobbies, exercising, or reading.

•Practice mindfulness: Take a few moments each day to focus on the present moment. Mindfulness can involve deep breathing exercises, meditation, or simply taking a moment to notice your surroundings and quiet your mind.

Prevention through Awareness: 
Regular check-ups and screenings play a crucial role in preventing and detecting conditions such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and cardiovascular disease. When problems are caught early, they are often easier to treat.

•Visit your healthcare provider each year for an annual physical exam/well visit (even if you feel healthy). Learn how to prepare for this appointment here

•Protect your heart. Learn about cholesterol and what you can do to positively impact your numbers. Click here to check out our article and video on cholesterol.

Nutrition for Vitality: 
Fueling your body with wholesome foods can help boost your energy levels, strengthen your immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It’s like making an investment in your wellbeing today and vitality for years to come. 

•Aim to make half of your plate fruits and vegetables at mealtimes.

•Include lean proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, and a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Black beans, tofu, avocado, salmon, olive oil, brown rice, and oats are all examples of nutritious options. To get in more produce, make snacks like apple wedges with peanut butter or slice peppers, carrots, or cucumbers to have with ranch dip.

•Read our article, Making Every Bite Count here.

Even though men are at a higher risk for certain conditions, we hope you feel encouraged by the fact that many of them, like heart disease, are largely preventable. With proper nutrition and regular physical activity and check-ups, it’s possible to make great strides towards bettering your health. We hope you found some of these tips helpful, and if you’re feeling the motivation, consider setting some new goals for yourself this summer. 

Motion Connected