Winter Wellness Bingo

12.29.22 09:19 AM By Motion Connected

Winter is in full swing which means colder, shorter days. For some, the lack of sunlight can throw off the body’s natural rhythms making it harder to sleep. For others the cold might keep them from heading outdoors as much as they would like to.

If you'd like to refocus on your self-care, try our Winter Wellness Bingo to nourish your mind and body this month.  

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Simple routines like going outside for 15-20 minutes a day, tucking in early, and being mindful of your mental wellbeing can help you stay well over the winter. You may even find that some activities are extra enticing in the winter, like cozying up with a blanket and a good book. In addition to carving out time for relaxation, here are a few other tips to keep in mind. 

Exercise Regularly

As little as 15 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each day can benefit your mood and release stress. Join a fitness class or start an at-home workout routine. If you can go outside to exercise, the benefits are even greater!

Keep Up Healthy Sleep Habits

Getting enough sleep keeps your immune system strong, aids with weight maintenance, and allows you to think more clearly. Strive to maintain a regular sleep schedule and turn off electronics at least 30 minutes before bed.

Nourish Your Body

Give your body the fuel it needs to stay healthy by filling up your plate with fruits or vegetables and choosing lean proteins and whole grains. Frozen fruits and veggies are a tasty option for the wintertime when some produce is out of season. Staying hydrated is important too. Keep a bottle of water handy to sip throughout the day.

Stay Connected

Staying in touch with friends and family helps you build emotional resilience and can help ward off depression. Call or visit loved ones regularly. If you're looking to make new friends, try joining a local class or book club.

Motion Connected