The need for Social Connection

10.07.22 10:49 AM By Motion Connected

Social interaction and connection are good for you – and benefits us both physically and mentally.  In fact, studies show that people with strong social relationships are 50% more likely to live longer and that those who participate in leisure activities like reading, playing board games, playing musical instruments, and dancing are less likely to develop dementia. 

It can be challenging to find and make those connections.  Here are a few tips to get started:

1.      Take a class. 

Check out your community center, gym, yoga studio, local college or even look at national chain stores like Michaels or Home Depot for classes and events.


2.      Volunteer! has a database of opportunities across a variety of causes, nationwide


3.      Check 

This website has groups all over the country that are based around specific activities or interest areas, like exploring the outdoors or reading groups.


4.      Look to your community.

From the library to recreation department and sports leagues, connections can be made right in your back yard.

Motion Connected