De-clutter to De-stress

04.18.22 08:21 PM By Motion Connected

With the recent popularity of minimalism and books like The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, de-cluttering and cleaning up are ever more common topics in print and in media. Many people are drawn to the idea of a simpler life with less stuff. You might be wondering if de-cluttering is really all it's hyped up to be. Well, research shows that there might be more a neat space can do for your well-being than you might imagine. Check out just a few of the benefits below.

De-cluttering gives you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment
It takes a lot of mental energy to make so many decisions about what is worth keeping and what is not. However, when you do complete a thorough de-clutter of a space, it can make you feel very accomplished and productive. That positive energy may even inspire you to cross more tasks off your to-do list.

Neat and tidy spaces can increase your focus
Ever try to work at a cluttered desk? It is well-researched and shown that clutter, especially in your visual field, causes significant distraction. In contrast, a tidy, refreshing space increases your attention span.

Calm Your Mind
Often cleaning or de-cluttering involves some physical activity such as sweeping, picking up items, or lifting heavy boxes. These repetitive tasks that require little mental focus can give your mind a break, almost producing a meditative-like state.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Clutter can make you feel like there is work to be done and can hinder relaxation. Although it can be stressful to try and keep a home perfectly clean, some order and neatness can relieve anxiety. Not only is it easier to find things when your space is neat, it also makes your home more inviting and relaxing. 

Motion Connected